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Josep Masats
Poesia i haiku

Josep Masats, Haiku 2022

El melic del Buda Josep Masats

Josep Masats
Josep Masats, Haiku

Josep Masats, Haiku 2022
El melic del Buda, available in bookstores in Catalonia (Distribuïdora Popular).
You can also buy it directly from the publisher
Fancy writing a haiku?
Wander around: if you see it
flying, catch it!
Night of watery moon,
ascending is a tiny snail,
the Buddha's navel up.
Light is filtered
in a hundred smoke poplars
and an eel ditch.
The rainbow
as a hat, watery, thus
-and quite narrow.
Little foil paper
-sliding cut moon
in a mauve glass.
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